I chose a charter school because, since Valeria was little, I saw great potential in her. I started looking at schools in my district and at the academic level they had, and to my surprise they were all very bad academically. So, I looked in another district where the schools were better, but they were really far away. Luckily, Basis Charter School had opened up and I decided to put her in there because they were doing very well academically, I was pleasantly surprised by how advanced they were. Valeria is very happy in Basis, they are all very good and professional. I am delighted with this school, this is why I am always recommending it. It is one of the best academically and the way they treat students and parents is great, they really care about the students.
“Every child deserves to have a great education, it is their right.”
Every child deserves to have a great education, it is their right. Is a way for them to have better opportunities, to get scholarships, to continue with their studies, and to compete with other students having the same opportunities. Is a way to give them a chance to get better jobs and to pass knowledge on to younger generations, and not to feel marginalized due to the lack of opportunities.