PROGRAM — Arete Scholarship

My Gabriel’s mom, Chantelle:

My son’s name is Gabriel, and he is five years old. This year we received an Arete Scholarship for him to attend The Church Academy St. Amant. Last year Gabriel was enrolled in public school for pre-k, and the year was really hard for us. He experienced racism at four years old, and he was told by the other kids that they could not play with him because he was not the right color. He was called names.

“Being awarded the scholarship changes Gabriel’s path in life and gives him a much brighter future.”

As a strong believer in Jesus he would pray in class, and the children would tell him God is plastic. Everyday he would come home crying. There were many conversations I had to have with him that I never thought I would at his young age. He was starting to believe he needed to change to be liked by the other children, and he was acting out.

As a single mom to two boys, one with special needs, I could not afford to pay for Gabriel to attend another school. Being awarded the scholarship changes Gabriel’s path in life and gives him a much brighter future. Everyday he comes home talking about Jesus, his friends, what he learns at school, and has a smile on his face. Everyday his behavior is improving and his confidence is increasing. Receiving the scholarship was truly an answered prayer. We are so grateful that we were given this opportunity.


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