Press Release

AFC Praises Texas Senate for Passing Education Savings Account Legislation

AUSTIN, TEXAS – Today, the American Federation for Children, a national school choice advocacy organization headquartered in Dallas, Texas, praised the Texas Senate for passing SB 1, an education savings account proposal that would bring school choice to thousands of Texas families.

The Senate passed the legislation with a vote of 18-13. The legislation now moves to the Texas House.


  • SB 1 would allow nearly every student in Texas to apply for an ESA worth $8,000 and funded through a $500 million appropriation;
  • 40% of open spots would go to students who receive free or reduced lunch;
  • 30% to families who earn between 185% and 500% of the federal poverty line;
  • 20% to those with disabilities;
  • and 10% to all remaining applicants.


Statement from Nathan Cunneen, Communications Strategist, American Federation for Children:

“AFC applauds the Texas senators who voted in favor of ESAs today for their vision and commitment to Texas parents and students. They have shown a deep understanding of the transformative power of educational choice. Texas families are watching and deserve bold action. We urge the House to join their Senate counterparts in this historic endeavor, ensuring that every child in Texas has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

We also applaud the passage of SB 2, which increases funding for public schools and gives raises to teachers. Together, SB 1 and 2 are win-win proposals that achieve more choices for parents, higher pay for teachers, and more money for public schools.”


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