Press Release

AFC Celebrates Passage of Tennessee’s Education Freedom Act

Dallas, Texas – The American Federation for Children applauds Tennessee’s General Assembly for passing the Education Freedom Act (EFA) Thursday in a special legislative session.

The Act establishes education savings accounts that will empower Tennessee families across the state to choose the educational settings best suited to meet their children’s needs.

EFA highlights include:

  • Access: Students from anywhere in the state can participate
  • Prioritization: 10,000 accounts are reserved for lower-income families
  • Funding: Participants will receive more than $7,000 to pay for approved education-related expenses
  • Accountability: Participating schools can administer the nationally referenced test many already use
  • Responsible program growth: Built-in avenues for program expansion are tied to demand and legislative action
  • Eligible expenses: Scholarship funds will cover private school tuition and fees, textbooks, tutoring, transportation, therapy, and other educational expenses

Statement from Tommy Schultz, CEO, American Federation for Children

“Tennessee joins dozens of other states since 2021 responding to the undeclared national emergency in America’s system of public education by delivering a massive school choice expansion. Time is of the essence, and bold leaders like Governor Lee and the leadership of the House and Senate have taken swift action.

The need for school choice across Tennessee is urgent. We are grateful to school choice champions including Governor Bill Lee, Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, Speaker Cameron Sexton, Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, House Majority Leader William Lamberth, and many others who have risen to tackle that challenge head on.

AFC is proud to continue our mission to advance education freedom for all Tennessee families, particularly lower-income families. We eagerly anticipate the day when every American student can attend the school where he or she will thrive.”



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