Governor Kim Reynolds Stands for Ed Freedom in Response to State of the Union
Governor Kim Reynolds Stands for Ed Freedom in Response to State of the Union
In her response to President Biden’s State of the Union address, Governor Kim Reynolds spoke out strongly for parents. During her speech, Governor Reynolds made one message crystal clear: “Parents Matter.” Under Reynolds’ leadership, Iowa was the first state to re-open school after the COVID-19 pandemic – and as she said, “Keeping schools open is only the start of the pro-parent, pro-family revolution.”
The Governor has been a longtime advocate for parental empowerment and school choice in Iowa. Her actions and dedication to families should serve as an example for lawmakers in other states.
In 2021, she became the first Governor to sign the Education Freedom Pledge, which signals a commitment to school choice policies, pledging “to support policies that promote parental rights in education and educational freedom,” including school choice.
Governor Reynolds continued her support for parents at a time when school choice has reached all-time high popularity among American voters, as a new poll from RealClear Opinion Research showed. The concept of school choice enjoys overwhelming support (72% vs. 18% opposed) among voters and across party lines, with 68% of Democrats, 82% of Republicans, and 67% of Independents saying they support such a policy.
Statement from Tommy Schultz, Chief Executive Officer of the American Federation for Children:
“Governor Reynolds remains one of the boldest leaders on school choice and parental empowerment in America. Tonight she showed once again that in Iowa, students and parents come first. Lawmakers in other states should follow this example. We would like to thank Governor Reynolds for her unwavering commitment to families and for highlighting these issues on a national stage.”
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