Poll: Families Support DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
According to a new poll by Beck Research, there is strong support for reauthorizing the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program. Across the country, support for school choice has soared, and D.C. is no exception. 66% of voters support reauthorization for this program that allows lower-income families to receive an opportunity scholarship for their child to attend a participating District of Columbia private school. The D.C. OSP is one of the founding programs of the school choice movement and continues to help families more than seventeen years after its inception.
D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Quick Facts:
- From 2004-2005, more than 11,000 families have received scholarships, and more than 25,000 families have applied.
- 97% of 12th-grade scholarship recipients graduate high school and more than 90% go to a two- or four-year college or university.
- The average family income is less than $24,000 per year.
- 94% are African American or Hispanic.
- 75% of DC parents support the OSP.
- 74% support increased funding to allow more students to benefit.
- 69% support expanding the program to include pre-K students.
Statement from Tommy Schultz, CEO of the American Federation for Children:
“Few issues bring people together like school choice, and we are not surprised to see these trends reflected in the nation’s capital. Despite what detractors may suggest, there is strong bipartisan support for school choice and the Opportunity Scholarship Program in D.C., and Congress should listen and support this program with increased funding to meet demand and a permanent authorization.”
“Generally speaking, would you favor or oppose school vouchers that allow lower-income families to send their child to any school they deem best?”
65% support / 31% oppose
“Based on what you know, would you say that you favor or oppose the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program?”
66% support / 22% oppose / 12% undecided
Date: February 23-27, 2022
Margin: +/- 4.9%
36% reached on wireless phones
30% reached on landline telephones
34% reached through text-to-web