State News

Tennessee Supreme Court Rules Educational Savings Account Pilot Program Constitutional

On Wednesday, Tennessee’s Supreme Court handed down exciting news for parents across the state by overruling lower courts and rejecting the lead claim in a lawsuit against the Tennessee Education Savings Account Pilot Program.
This program would provide $7,300 in funds for educational expenses such as tuition and tutoring to eligible families. But for over two years, the ESA had been tied up in courts, as Nashville-area municipal and county governments fought to keep low- and middle-income families from accessing this life-changing program.
The ESA can now take effect, and the Institute for Justice and the Beacon Center of Tennessee will defend the program against remaining claims at the Chancery Court. Thousands of families will soon be able to provide their children with an education that works for them.
Statement from AFC-Tennessee State Director John Patton
“The Tennessee Supreme Court made the right decision today by declaring that the Education Savings Account program does not violate the home rule amendment.
“We are heartened by the decision, and look forward to the next steps for the program. School choice programs work. They empower parents with the resources to find schools that better fit their unique needs and they foster innovation.
“These programs make both private and public schools create new and better options for all students. At American Federation for Children, we remain focused on students, not systems, and we will always advocate for families to make the best decision for their kids.”
The entire Tennessee Supreme Court opinion can be read here. 


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