The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program helped me and my family afford to put our children in a school of our choice, and a high-quality school in our area. The City of Milwaukee does not have many high-quality schools. This voucher was a resource for me and my family to overcome that obstacle.
We chose St. Marcus Lutheran because of its reputation for demanding excellence from administrators, teachers, students, and parents. 95% of the student body is comprised of Milwaukee Parental Choice recipients.
Education is an equalizer, and it’s necessary for all children to be successful persons in personal, work, and civic life. Parents generally know what is best for their child(ren). Parents generally want to make decisions that help, not hurt, their child(ren).
“No parent should be forced by government bureaucrats to choose a school based on their zip code or a “system.”
No parent should be forced by government bureaucrats to choose a school based on their zip code or a “system.” We should fund students, not systems. Removing income limits and other barriers provide parents the ability to make the best choice for their children.